Books by and about Hurley
 Guardian of Light: Denis Hurley, Renewing the Church, Opposing Apartheid by Paddy Kearney
Memories: The Memoirs of Archbishop Denis Hurleyedited by Paddy Kearney, 2006
Archbishop Hurley's memoirs for the period 1915 to 1965, together with an account of the Archbishop's last 38 years up to his death in 2004.
- his childhood at lighthouses
- schooldays on Robben Island, in Newcastle and Pietermaritzburg
- studies in Ireland and Rome
- years as a young priest at Emmanuel Cathedral
- being first superior of St Joseph's Scholasticate
- the youngest bishop in the world
- first Archbishop of Durban
- leading the bishops in opposition to apartheid
- relishing the excitement of Vatican II
- courageous support for workers, conscientious objectors, victims of forced removals and many others suffering the effects of apartheid.
- a leading international role in English liturgy
- Chancellor of Natal University.
Published by Cluster Publications in an attractive A4 'coffee table' format and richly illustrated with photos, graphics, maps, press clips and other historical documents. Memories is a collector's item, and a book you will treasure. A4-200pp. ISBN 1-875053-53-0 No longer in print
Vatican II: Keeping the Dream Alive by Denis Hurley OMI, 2005
"What we have in this book is Archbishop Denis Hurley's Second Vatican Council memoir and a few essays about what has happened since. Its publication 40 years after the Council is timely and challenging. The Archbishop makes the Council come alive for the reader. We can experience with him the daily struggles, the ups and downs, the hopes and disappointments, and the excitement of being part of an event of such historic importance. The challenge of this book, addressed to all of us, is to take up the torch of the Second Vatican Council and to continue the work of aggiornamento, reform and spiritual renewal." Albert Nolan OP No longer in print Cluster Publications. 300 A4 pages. ISBN 1-875053-48-4 |
Denis Hurley: A Portrait by Friends Anthony Gamley, 2002 (2nd Revised Edition)
In this book some 30 friends who have known and worked with Denis Hurley paint a portrait of him to honour his many years of service and especially the 50th anniversary of his appointment as Archbishop. The contributions cover the influences on his life; his ecclesiastical, educational and academic achievements; his stance on social justice; the role he played in the Second Vatican Council, and particularly in making the liturgy more accessible to lay people; his abilities as a hymn-writer; his fascination with the relationship between religion and science; his support for conscientious objectors and women's causes; his stand on issues of human sexuality and the gargantuan challenge of HIV/AIDS. Price: US$4.00 or SAR 50,00 from Cluster Publications. 192 pages. ISBN 1-875053-29-8 |
Facing the Crisis: Selected Texts of Archbishop Hurley edited by Philippe Denis OPThis selection of Hurley texts commemorates the half-century of his eventful episcopate. Twenty-three major articles, addresses or chapters of books are presented as well as a biographical essay by Anglican Bishop Frederick Amoore, a scholarly account of the archbishop's role in the Second Vatican Council by Philippe Denis OP and a bibliography of Hurley writings up to 1996 compiled by Joy Brain, archivist of the Durban Archdiocese.
For other writings by Archbishop Hurley go to "Hurley Writing" on the main menu and especially to the Archival sources.