Monthly updates
The Denis Hurley Centre sends out a monthly Update by email to people interested in our work.
If you want to receive this newsletter then please email and provide your name, location and email address. Also indicate if you are subscribing in a personal capacity or on behalf of an organisation (and if so what the organisation is).
You can access our past newsletters by clicking on the following links. Prior to February 2022 the links will take you to an online web based resource. Since March 2022 the newsletters will be downloaded as pdfs.
- A unique shared Meal helps reconcile
- Graduation at the Dalton creche
- A new bookshop for Street Lit
- Looking back over our Anniversary year
- National Homeless Conversation at the DHC
- Embassy Reception in London
- Annual Justice & Peace Lecture
- Rest in Peace: Priscilla McKay (1940-2024)
- Durban Leadership Forum at the DHC
- Preparing for National Homeless Conversation
- Collaboration with DUT on Training
- Talking about Paddy and +Hurley

- Inspirational Christian Conference
- Cross of Nails arrives in Durban
- Talks about Paddy Kearney
- Farewell to two fearless South Africans
- Annual lecture by Judge Chris Nicholson
- Book launched about Paddy Kearney
- Support for the DHC from the UK
- Film festival focusing on lost voices
- How close are we to our target of 10,000 books?
- More Mandela Month generosity
- Durban International Film Festival
- A visitor reflects on her time at the DHC
- Three New Faces in our Clinic Team
- Receiving the Coventry Cross of Nails
- Street Store 2024
- Book shops, book drive, and a book launch!
- Election Day 2024
- Preparing for the Elections
- A Knight in Shining Under Armour
- The Leadership Role of Catholic Schools
- Showing Solidarity between Faiths
- Homeless Manifesto for the Elections
- Local Corporate celebrates Street Lit
- Eco-discussions under +Hurley's gaze
- Lectures about +Hurley and St Oscar Romero
- Diakonia Good Friday Service
- Partnership with DUT Drama Department
- Paddy and other DHC friends honoured
>>February 2024Blessings to those already marking Lent, and to those about to start Ramadan- Remembering +Hurley 20 years after his death
- The DHC reports back in its 10th year
- Winners of the Barry Wood Awards
- 7th National Homeless Conversation
>>January 2024
- A quick review of 2023
- The DHC goes Green!
- UK speaker events to share with your friends
- Inspiring young people
- A special link to the Day of Reconciliation
- Happy Endings after a frustrating theft
- Reflections from an Oblate trainee
- Re-capping recent Arts events
- Fundraising Christmas Concert
- Remembering those who Inspired Us
- An unusual Retreat at the DHC
- Eve of World AIDS Day
- Muslim and Jewish Women praying for peace
- World Homeless Day - advocacy and poetry
- Growing Leaders for Catholic Schools
- Possible links to the Rugby World Cup?
- Meet Maighlin, our new Clinic Co-ordinator
- Irish and Israeli youth leading sports
- Church conference on social justice
- Ways of marking Heritage Month
- Annual Paddy Kearney Memorial Lecture
- Founder's Day and the 'Paddy Grant'
- Law students, police and the homeless
- An Angel flies into our Pharmacy
- Finally, good news from Dalton
- Mandela Day with new and old partners
- Films and music
- International intellectual conversations
- 'Round Table' at DUT to honour Paddy Kearney
- Street Store returns for the 5th time
- Two overseas cooks raising funds for us
- A host of engagements with partners
- Homeless Man to chair Municipal committee
- Holy Family Sisters meet in Rwanda
- Digital Art on display After Dark
- An invitation to eThekwini Municipality
- Change of Guard in our Accounts Department
- Hopes for some genuine change in Dalton
- Marking World Book Day - on line and in person
- A new service at the DHC
- Marking Human Rights Day
- Interfaith Iftaar
- Making Holy Week holy
- Reports from the UK
- The Start of Lent
- Annual Stakeholders' Meeting
- Barry Wood Awards for Service
- Partnership to tackle TB
January 2023- Great stories from the guys who sell good stories
- Our condolences on two deaths
- Jesuit priests as interns at the DHC
- Last week to nominate for an award
Blessings of Hannukah, Christmas and the New Year!
- Meal of Reconciliation restored
- Justice and Peace Lecture
- A life saved and transformed
- A chance to say thank you in 2022
- Learning from other Metros
- Learning from the Homeless
- The power of live theatre
- Remembering those who have passed
- New Trustees for the Board
- Tribute to Albert Nolan
- Understanding Jewish traditions
- Praying for the Dept of Home Affairs
- UKZN law students offering help
- Update from Dalton on Heritage Day
- Women of Substance
- Remembering the late Queen Elizabeth II
- Pravin Gordhan delivers Paddy Kearney lecture
- DHC team inspired by other NGOs
- Exploring the issue of 'Spatial Justice'
- Our Street Lit Co-ordinator receives an award
- A range of donors and volunteers for Madiba
- DHC team visit the Durban Holocaust & Genocide Centre
- Volunteers from around the world
- A variety of Cultural Activities on offer
- Positive news in the fight against AIDS
- Chiropractors changing lives for free
- Prestigious venue for our booksellers
- The return of Street Store
Blessings at Pentecost for our Jewish and Christian readers - London Reception celebrates 10 years
- Threat to put 550 homeless back on the streets
- Synod discussions from non-Catholic leaders
- What the homeless really want from churches
- Aftermath of the Durban Floods
- Sharing Ramadan with our neighbours
- An invitation to honour an un-sung hero
- Support the Napier Centre's Unity Walk
Wishing many blessings to our Jewish, Christian and Muslim readers at the start of this holy season
- March was TB Awareness Month
- A sad story and a happy ending
- Visit to the DHC and the Mosque by the US CG
- DHC in books and journals
Wishing many blessings to our Christian readers as the 40 days of Lent begin
- Feedback on Annual Stakeholders' Meeting
- Winners of the Barry Wood Award
- New Patrons announced for SA and UK
- Counting the homeless in Census 2022
- Chance to nominate for the Barry Wood Award
- Work-ready training
- Botanic Gardens steps in to help
- African Jesuits have an experience as interns
Christmas Greetings and Prayers for a happy and safe New Year
- Report back on 2021 Finances
- Step up in supporting TB patients
- Imposition of the pallium
- News on our staff
- Our tribute to +Desmond Tutu
- Local Government Elections
- National Conversation about Homelessness
- Remembering deceased friends and supporters
- A bookseller is inspired and inspires others
- Dialogue between Politicians and Homeless
- Religious leaders welcome 2 new bishops
- Visits from Overseas Supporters
- Passing of Elizabeth Mkame
- Religious leaders in conversation
- Prof Gini meets Catholic Business
- Death of a Patron and friend
- Registering Homeless citizens as Voters
- Launch of National Homeless Manifesto
- Progress on COVID Vaccinations
- Sharing the experiences of Lockdown
- Visit by the new Archbishop of Durban
- Homeless vaccinated at the DHC
- Celebrating Paddy Kearney
- Loss of a noble woman in Women's Month
- Back to work after the Durban riots
- What do you do with 6,000kg of fresh produce?
- Vaccinations and booksellers
- Some relevant media stories
Durban has been rocked by destruction, mayhem and fear over the last week
- What is it like on the ground?
- As we plan to resume services, how can you help?
- What is the longer term vision?
Wishing the best of health to all our readers around the world, coping with lockdowns and 3rd waves, or waiting for vaccines.
- CAPRISA donation supports our Clinic work
- Law Students and the rights of the homeless
- Digital Empowerment for the under-5s
- Links with the Methodist community
Wishing blessings to our Jewish, Christian and Muslim readers for the feasts they have been celebrating this month
- Interfaith Iftar during Ramadan
- A wide range of Staff Training
- Fundraising to feed the Homeless
- Links with Fatima Convent School
- Books, Homes and Awards for Street Lit
- New Oblate Priests following +Hurley
- Music unites people on Freedom Day
- Feedback on Durban Holy Week
- Wishing you Blessings of Passover and Easter
- Durban Holy Week - online and offline
- Lenten Reflection
- Looking back on 12 months of COVID
- First-ever 'Virtual' Hurley Weekend
- Winners of Barry Wood Award
- Destruction in Dalton once again
- Acknowledgement of the work of Belinda Scott, our Deputy Mayor
- The sad loss of an old friend
- The tragic loss of a new friend
- Friends in the UK celebrating 10 years
- A Virtual AGM to connect with our many friends
- Review of a very difficult year
- Acts of Reconciliation
- Feeding the Homeless - 170,000 times!
- Thank you to our 2020 donors
- National Conversation about Homelessness
- Honouring the Departed
- Clinic Review
- 5 years of the Centenary Club
- Urban Ministry Consultation
- Catholic Healthcare Network
- Job Creation programmes
- New Papal Encyclical
- News on the DHC Trustees
- The Health Situation in Central Durban
- Training Programmes Start Again
- A New Chapter for StreetLit
August 2020- Webinar on Corruption to honour Paddy
- Time of Reflection for the DHC Team
- On-line AGM for our UK Support Association
- Closer links to the 'Southern Cross'
- Report back and Closure of COVID Appeal
- Large-scale Interfaith Feeding in the CBD
- Update on the Emergency Shelters
- Cardinal Napier marks 50 years as a Priest
- Most of our Emergency residents move on
- Gratitude from the Street Lit Booksellers
- Improvements to our website
- Access to radio interviews
- Moving with caution - as South Africa moves this week into Level 3 lockdown.
- Busy Religious people. For the last 9 weeks of lockdown faith communities have not been idle. In fact, their role has been life-saving.
- Being in the Zoom room . If you have a group that is meeting virtually – anywhere in the world – and want some input from the Denis Hurley Centre please let us know
- Story-telling, on and off line. Short (20 minute) You Tube movie 'No Kings of the Street' (a cautionary tale of life on the streets) was made entirely by a cast and crew staying under lockdown at the DHC
- DHC continues to help the homeless during lockdown - and beyond
- Partner organisations aiming to feed those in need - Raising funds for Hope Vouchers
- Arts events you can support on-line - Jazz Fundraiser for the DHC
- The real stories behind the stats - Durban stories from photo-journalist Samora Chapman and the Daily Maverick. Coming soon - Online exhibition and sale of Nikhil Tricam’s drawings and Samora’s photographs.
- Our Street Lit vendors have more great books to buy on line
- What happens after the end of Stage 1?
- Partners appealing for food parcels
- Further developments in the shelters
- The General Appeal for the Homeless
- Just some of the many generous donors
- Great arts activities to enjoy at home
- Healthcare is a key part of our focus
- Hope and Empathy in a time of anxiety
- Reading on- and off-line: to inform & delight
- Our Appeal to You
Click here for the longer theological reflection by our Director on his experience of Holy Week referred to the April Update.
March 2020 - Coronavirus and our response
- The DHC has been in the news a lot lately
- Following Denis Hurley in responding to a crisis
- The immediate need for the homeless and our response
- What do we need?: funds, certain goods and personnel
- A Jazzy Valentine's Afternoon
- Exploring new strategies of policing
- Ela Gandhi meeting Pope Francis
- The Hurley Weekend - annual stakeholders meeting, and presentation of the Barry Wood Award.
- Lessons from Cape Town about supporting the homeless
- New computers for our training room
- Changes in the clinic and need for funds
- Street Lit booksellers show the power of partnership
- Celebrating Mgr Paul Nadal
- Employment for the Homeless
- Budgeting for the New Year
- Four Faiths come together to show their commitment to Reconciliation
- Remembering Paddy Kearney and Denis Hurley
- National Network Meeting in Bloemfontein
- ‘Life in its fullness’, the performing arts and the DHC - Junior Catholic Schools Concert
- Marking one year since the passing of our founder, Paddy Kearney
- SA melodies in an English cathedral
- Talks and connections in the USA
- Partnership with the Hindu community
- ‘Street Lit’ (our bookseller project) gets endorsement from a national corporate, and local politicians.
- Jervis Pennington and Rev. Paul Verryn: Homeless celebrity and Christian activist
- Homeless 101: Story Sessions and sad news of a death.
- Our Dalton preschool: Children celebrating heritage
- EThekwini Homeless Task Team: New energy from a new executive committee.
- DHC street bookselling initiative receives national award
- Defending the rights of the homeless
- The NapierCentre is now open for residents: supporting recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration
- Ceremonial handover of our mobile clinic
- Our Director reports back to City Hall
- Working with Schools in different ways
- Volunteers help us broaden our Services
- Homeless 101: A powerful photo essay with national and international reach.
- Thank you for giving warmth, comfort and hope this winter
- Big brands supporting young entrepreneurs
- Artistic inspiration through dance
- Continuing our partnership with the Grace Family Church
- Safer Cities - Learning from Johannesburg and Cape Town
- Sharing Ramadan
- Follow on from the Elections
- A chance to support ‘comrades’ united across the generations - sponsor our Comrades Marathon runner
- Theological reflections on our work
- The rights of homeless people defended on the front page of ’The Mercury”.
- Stories of volunteering and fundraising from unexpected sources
- Homeless voters get a chance to ask questions from the political parties
- The Dalton site - some progress, some signs of hope and lots of promises
- Free Coaching Services while enjoying the cafe
- Winterhoop - Ecumenical initiative for the poor
- Lenten Reflection in the Gardens
- Hurley Weekend - including the Director’s report to stakeholders of the Denis Hurley Centre at the AGM. (Click here for the summary document).
- Barry Wood Award winners
- Valentine's Day in the cafe
- News from the Napier Centre
- Lots planned for DHC AGM noon 23 February - and our financial needs for 2019
- Political Empowerment of the Homeless
- Learning from peers across the country
- Leanne and friends to swim the Midmar Mile
- 200 attend Public Workshop on Homelessness
- 4th Annual Meal of Reconciliation unites people
- New Cafe staffed by deaf students officially opened
- An Acting Chair for the DHC Trust.
- Dedicated to the life and memory of Paddy Kearney
- International Street Medicine Conference
- Visit to DHC projects by the Irish Ambassador
- Links between Hurley and 2 new saints
- An extraordinary blessing from the Tibetan Buddhists
- Women's Wellness Workshops
- 'Carte Blanche' program's impact
- Heritage Day at Dalton pre school
- ‘She rises, we rise!’ - A celebration by women of women of all backgrounds
- Our Mandela celebrations draw to a close
- Almost 300 learners 'sing with one voice'
- Partnerships with the Muslim community
- Sad death of one of our Face2Face students
- A proper clinic so we can ‘boldly go where no nurse has gone before’
- Marathon running for the poor
- Mandela Day at the DHC
- Durban - City of literature
- Street Store - a range of partners working together to serve the poor
- Electronic Arts around the DHC
- Inter-faith Breaking of the Fast
- News on the Napier Centre 4 Healing
- Mandela:100 years - 100 days - 100 ways
- Papal medal for Paddy Kearney
- Training program inspired by a song
- St Augustine's Cafe gets a refit
- Music of two different styles, to praise God and inspire the People
- Joyful Mural for Dalton Clinic
- Durbanites discover Durban
- Volunteer Doctors from the UK
- Promoting the Denis Hurley Centre in the UK
- Lenten Reflection in the Botanical Gardens
- Play about Migrant Women on tour around Durban
- Deaf Awareness and Sign Language classes every Friday
- Dr Stephen Carpenter’s talk on ‘Street medicine’
- Winners of the first Barry Wood Award
- Thembi - our blind tour guide
- St Henry's alumnus inspires others
- Denis Hurley Centre finances in 2017 and 2018
- New fundraising campaign for the Clinic
- Launch of new artwork in the Gandhi-Luthuli Hall
- Overnight retreat with teenagers from Morningside
- Feeding the Homeless over Christmas
- National Conversation on Homelessness
- Paddy Kearney on TV on Sunday 31 Dec at 10am
- Third annual Meal of Reconciliation
November 2017- 21st Annual Hurley Lecture with Bishop Rubin
- New award to honour Bishop Barry Wood
- Budgeting and Fundraising for 2018
- ‘Their story is my story’ - a play about migrant women
- The Lutheran bishop who welcomed the Pope is in turn welcomed by our Cardinal
- Health education for Women
- Opening of Gandhi Memorial
- Evita in Hurley shweshwe
- Dedication of the Paul Nadal Garden
- Annual Senior Schools Concert
- AGM of UK Denis Hurley Association
- Generous support from Corporates
- Our Dalton Clinic opened by the Cardinal
- Appeal for Napier Centre 4 Healing
- Pilgrimage around the Midlands
- Pilgrimage around Durban
- 450 people Dare2Share the evening and the night
- Mandela Day for staff and guests
- US Jesuit talks about Addiction
- Use of the Gandhi-Luthuli Hall
- Paper money starts to change the face of Durban
- Street Store at the Cathedral attracts 1,060 customers
- Jews & Christians join Muslims to break the fast
- 2 ways to get to know the homeless of Durban
- Academic recognition for Paddy Kearney
- Dare2Share - save the date: 14 July
- Winter Living Theology: July
- Hurley pilgrimage - 5 and 12 August
- Celebrating freedom the Denis Hurley way
- Visitors and volunteers from different religions
- Thank you to our many corporate donors
- Hurley's legacy: in the Academy & on the streets
A full-time clinic for Dalton - almost!
Bringing sight to the blind
‘Songs of Freedom' for Freedom Day
Inauguration of the Hurley shrine
- Opening of Hurley Exhibition
- Junior Schools Choir Concert
- Launch of City Conservancy
- AGM - Sharing good news from 2016
- Funding for the Usizo Lwethu-Afrisun Clinic
- Catholic Junior Schools Choir Concert: 23 Feb
- Hurley Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Paris & Rome
- HURLEY WEEKEND (11/12 Feb): Opening of the Exhibition, AGM and Memorial Masses
- A bumper year for the Clinic
- Israeli volunteers over Christmas
- DHC in the media spotlight
- Meal of Reconciliation - 250 people sit down and eat together
- Sharing our traditions
- Hurley lecture and choral bursary
- Year of Mercy pilgrimages
- The Social Meal Project — our Christmas Fundraising Initiative
- Visit by the Deputy Mayor
- Gifts to help the unemployed
- The Social Meal Project
- 21st Annual Hurley Memorial Lecture
- Inner City Regeneration
- First Holy Communion Gifts
- The Social Meal Project
- Celebrating our heritage in different ways in ‘Heritage Month’
- Help the homeless save the planet
- A voice for the voiceless on Al Jazeera
- Two great events in August
- Welcome to a new staff member and a new area of focus
- The vision of an AIDS- Free Generation
- Thousands of butterflies from yoghurt pots
- Understanding the health education message
- Hurley shweshwe goes round the world
- Bridging the divide for Father's day
- Flying free from HIV:the Butterfly Project at DHC
- Helping in Dalton and advocating for change
May 2016
- Volunteer Doctors helping the poor
- Collaboration with Muslim community
- Cathedral Mall a building site
- Dare2Care: 800 sleep out together on the streets of Durban