Donating in the United Kingdom
We are delighted that a number of supporters in the UK have been so inspired by Archbishop Denis Hurley and the work of the centre that they have set up the UK-based
Denis Hurley Association. This means that it is very easy to donate in the UK and for us to benefit from the Gift Aid provision so a donation of £100 becomes £125 at no cost to you. However you do need to complete and send off the
Gift Aid declaration form that you can download here. You can donate in the UK in the following ways:
1. By bank transfer or direct debit:Account Name: Denis Hurley Association
Account No: 6545 6699
Bank: The Co-operative Bank
Branch Number: 08 92 99
2. Donate online using debit/credit card using the following link:!/DonationDetails
3. By post with a cheque
Made payable to Denis Hurley Association and sent to:
The Treasurer
Denis Hurley Association
Denis Hurley House
14 Quex Road
London NW6 4PL

The opening of Denis Hurley House in North London by Fr. William Fitzpatrick (OMI Provincial), Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Mildred Neville (founder of CIIR/ Progressio) and Bishop David Konstant.