Amazing work was done by so many individuals and communities to raise the money needed to build the Denis Hurley Centre. Now we need your help to run the programmes that we have here.
A one off donation is very helpful. However, if you are able to make a regular donation, once a month for example, that can be invaluable in enabling us to plan our work.
We are registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930034301). This means that if you are a South African tax payer (corporate or individual) you can claim a tax deduction for your donation under Section 18a status. If you would like a tax certificate please reference your donation as "18a + your surname”. Then email us at with the details of your donation and also your South African address postal or street address. Tax certificates are usually sent out in March/ April after the end of the tax year.
1. Donate by EFT (Credit cards are discouraged as they are currently an expensive option)
The easiest way to donate is by EFT since it is safe and also minimises bank costs to you and us. EFT contributions can be made to:
Account Name: Denis Hurley Centre Fund
Account No: 6220 4261 002
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Branch: Durban
Branch Number: 221426
Please click the option to send us confirmation to so we can look out for the donation and let you know when we receive it. Remember to include your own email address for acknowledgement.
2. Donate by cheque
Write a cheque out to ‘Denis Hurley Centre Trust' and send to Denis Hurley Centre Trust, Emmanuel Cathedral, Cathedral Street, Durban 4000.
3. Donate by cash
Contribute in cash at the Denis Hurley Centre box in the Cathedral (please do NOT send cash by post).