Paddy Kearney was Chair and Founder of the Denis Hurley Centre, Founding Director of Diakonia Council of Churches, Chair of the Gandhi Development Trust and advisor to KZN Christian Council and the Province Commission on Social Cohesion, among many other important positions.
Paddy Kearney died suddenly on the afternoon of Friday 23 November 2018 of a heart attack.In his 76 years he was a tireless activist for the poor, the marginalised, for inter-faith partnership, social cohesion and peace. Prayers have been offered for him in Emmanuel Cathedral and many churches, in mosques across Durban, and at the Durban Jewish Centre synagogue. Paddy was born in 1942. He went to St Charles Marist College PMB and for some years was a brother in the Marist order. He worked closely alongside Archbishop Denis Hurley and in recent years had written biographies and edited Hurley's letters.
Follow these links for more about Paddy.
Paddy Kearney. A Prophet for our Times
August 2024: DHC Director, Dr Raymond Perrier, has just published a book called 'Paddy Kearney: A prophet for our times'. It was launched during the Paddy Kearney lecture organised jointly with the Gandhi Development Trust, Active Citizens Movement and DUT-ICON. This lecture was given at the 1860 Heritage Centre in Durban on Saturday 31 August by Judge Chris Nicholson, who was part of the legal team that defended Paddy when he was detained without trial in 1985.
The Paddy book refers readers back here to the website for pdfs where additional resources can be accessed. These are available according to the book chapters which are listed below.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Paddy’s Vocation
Chapter 3: Paddy the Ecumenist
Chapter 4: Paddy the Activist
Chapter 5: Paddy, a Man of Sorrows
Chapter 6: Paddy, the Interfaith Partner
Chapter 7: Paddy the Catholic
Chapter 8: Conclusion
All the above PhD material is the copyright of Raymond Perrier. He has consented to make it freely available for download, printing and copying under the principle of fair usage. Any attempt to use the material for financial gain is prohibited. For more information contact raymond@denishurleycentre.org