
Care, Education, Community

“I have come that you may have life: life in all its fullness.” John 10:10

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Mandela 100 - donations of specialist goods

 Sets of tables The DHC could use matching sets of office or classroom tables info@denishurleycentre.org
 Café equipment The DHC could use commercial kitchen equipment and matching sets of crockery for its new café info@denishurleycentre.org
 Computer equipment The DHC needs desktops/ laptops (< 2 years) and peripherals (mouse, keyboards) to upgrade its computer training leanne@denishurleycentre.org
 Grade R workbooks for 2019 Makabongwe pre-school (near the market) needs 90 every year (which cost R80 per book) makabongwe.za@gmail.com
 Health education DVDs The DHC clinic would use educational DVDs (for adults or children) ruth@denishurleycentre.org
 Medical equipment The DHC Clinic could use certain medical equipment in good condition ruth@denishurleycentre.org
 Grass seed or turf and shade cloth The DHC wants to create a safe and pleasant outdoor area for its pre-school near Dalton beer hall ruth@denishurleycentre.org